Untreadable Associated Risks for Backers

Backing an Untreadable project carries many undeniable risks. Crowdfunding campaigns even after being completely funded may fail, and the reward you expected to be receiving, may never show up. We encourage founders to mitigate such risks and to provide backup plans so that even in the case of failure, they may be able to refund their backers. However not all founders may make such provisions, and sometimes a backup plan fails or disappears. The bottom line is when backing an Untreadable project on TF Empires, there is no guarantee that the benefit you chose will ever be delivered. It is not like shopping, there is risk involved. 

By backing an Untreadable project you agree to hold neither Untreadable nor the founder responsible for any associated loss of money, time, etc. 

However, measures can be taken to mitigate the inherit risk. Backers are encouraged to talk to founders, ask them questions about plans. Please do not be pesky or overly inquisitive, but you as a backer do have a right to know how much risk is involved. Also realize that Untreadable cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy of any information a founder may provide regarding their projects. We do check and approve founder’s projects, however that is mostly only in regards to our terms and conditions. We do not perform background checks nor do we perform any risk assessment of the projects. If anything seems suspicious or if you think a founder’s estimation of costs to be off, we highly recommend you Contact Untreadable here.