Back the Projects That Will Change the World

From the most basic down-to-earth business ventures to aiming beyond the stars, Untreadable exists to bring into reality what would otherwise be "impossible."

-How it Works-

Untreadable works on-top of TF Empires crowdfunding. Neither Untreadable nor TF Empires are SEC certified crowdfunding investment platforms. Rather TF Empires and Untreadable are “rewards-based” crowdfunding platforms. For more info on how TF Empires crowdfunding works see how  TF Empires works.

 Untreadable founders found projects with a mission. Often we expect these projects to be large and to require a substantial amount of funding. Backers back Untreadable projects, and according to the specific project, receive rewards or “benefits” over a 5 year time period after funding. The founders are given a total of 5 years to fulfill all of the rewards; 1 year to set everything up and 4 years to complete all of the benefit packages.

Commonly the rewards will be a product of the project’s funding, however it may not always be so. 

Credit of Glacier NPS

-Info for Untreadable Backers-

-Associated Risks with backing projects-

Different projects will have different associated risks, we encourage founders to litigate such risks and to insure there is a back-up plan to refund backers, should a project fail. 

However we cannot guarantee the delivery of either the reward or a refund, the project may succeed or fail, it is a risky investment.

We encourage backers to research an Untreadable project before backing it. Research the founders, feel free to send them inquiries on their plans, Untreadable is an open platform that encourages not just founders and projects, but encourages communication between founders and backers.

-Impacting the body, mind, spirit-

Untreadable projects must in a substantial way impact humanity for the good, either physically, mentally, or spiritually. That is our mission and every project funded through Untreadable must support and work towards that mission. It can be as simple as funding a ranch to increase local food security, or as complex as funding a transportation route to aid in the safe migration of people. It can be inspiring crowds flying aerobatics or funding a new university to spread knowledge.