© Copyright 2024 Untreadable

Untreadable is a DBA of GoldEvine, LLC

As part of Untreadable’s mission to encourage and promote strength, integrity, and independence, we collaborate with for-profit and non-profit entities to help bring our vision to life. These for-profit and non-profit entities may provide support to TF Empires through financial means or other forms of assistance. Additionally, Untreadable may collaborate with these entities on specific projects, initiatives, or events.
It’s important to note that while Untreadable and these affiliated for-profit and non-profit entities share common ownership and similar missions and visions, they operate as separate legal entities with distinct objectives and activities. The affiliation between Untreadable and these entities does not imply endorsement or promotion of specific products or services.
TorqueForm, CoTFPilot, Triptych Fusion, and -X- Skyway are trademarks of Luxauro, LLC.
Gold Metal Guild is a dba of Luxauro, LLC, and TF Empires is a dba of Goldevine, LLC. For a list of Luxauro and Goldevine DBAs and TMs, click here.
Untreadable content has been generated in part with AI. Content on the site is for reference purposes only and is not a substitute for advice from a licensed professional. We strongly advise that you independently verify all information contained herein. You should not rely solely on this content, and Untreadable and its affiliates assume no liability for inaccuracies. Any action taken or not taken based on content found here is at your own risk. If any content cites or provides a link to third-party sources or websites, Untreadable and its affiliates are not responsible for and make no representations or warranties regarding such source’s content or accuracy. Additionally, any references to third-party companies, products, or brands on the site does not imply any endorsement or affiliation with said companies, products, or brands. You are solely responsible for reading and understanding, without limitation, all projects, benefits, and claims of any Founder to whose project you may wish to contribute. Statements regarding health, diet, supplements, or any similar subject(s) have not been evaluated by the FDA or any health authority and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Any opinions expressed in the site content do not necessarily reflect those of Untreadable or its affiliates. If you have questions, comments, corrections, or information that you would like to submit to us, please contact us here